Sunday, September 28, 2014

#Inspiration Can Come From Just About Anywhere [if you know where to look]

In my last post, I wrote about ambition and how its really the genesis of who we are as an individual but ambition alone cannot get you to the promised land [whatever that may mean to you]. It helps if you throw in a little bit of inspiration to see how others achieved their success.

It never hurts to be inspired by others. To be inspired by others, is to aspire for personal greatness and begin the impossible dream of a lifetime.

What does inspiration mean to you?

In today's world, simple words mean nothing, its the catchy visual mixed with compelling content that catches peoples attention. Advertisers have been struggling with this paradoxical algorithm since the dawn of humanity but its only until recently have content creation technologies and social media platforms have come together where everyone can now have a voice and create their own personal brand.

It's commonplace to see videos on YouTube but its rare to see a series of great videos of ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

Its not the great superstars of sports and entertainment that inspire us the most. Inspiration can come from just about anywhere. Most of the time, its from everyday people living their lives to the fullest and influencing others through positive interaction.

Inspiration Can Come From Just About Anywhere [if you know where to look]

Monday, September 15, 2014

Everything Starts With #Ambition

The interesting thing about being born is that the first emotion we acquire is ambition [to be alive is to be ambitious]. Most people remember quite clearly what their early ambitions were. As with time, things change and so do ambitions but its knowing how to nourish your ambitious pursuits is critical to being able to overcome the objections that may come along the way.

Everyone is passionate about something in their life, its what makes us who we are as an individual. Nonetheless, depending on a multitude of variables, ambition is often undermined. Most of the time, the damage is self-inflicted based on experiences we may have had, what someone said or how they reacted when you shared your ambition[s].

When we share our passions with friends and family, we're really looking for validation or affirmation of our ambition[s]. Typically, if a person hasn't reached a goal in a reasonable amount of time, we lose ambition and become discouraged. Every person has to know when to increase your personal ambition [realistically] and know when to look for other pursuits that might be more attainable [based on skill, experience and passion].

With that being said, there is one thing you should NEVER do in life and that's lose the ability to be ambitious about ANYTHING you desire. Once you lose the ability to be ambitious, you lose the ability to dream the impossible. Self-doubt becomes a very close ally and dream crusher to your ambitions. Stagnation becomes a state-of-mind which leads to discontentment. Many things can be absconded from you in life but losing your ambition is to lose the essence of your individuality and self-worth.

"You'll never fly, if you're too scared of the height."
"You'll never live if you're too scared to die.".
- Hardwell ft Heather [Bright Lights] lyrics from "Never Say Goodbye"

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

How Much Is Your Content Worth?

No matter what line of business you're in today, you're in the content business. Understanding what kind of content is right for you is critical for your online presence. Knowing who your audience is and how to reach them effectively is the holy grail of any online strategy. The trouble with creating content is there aren't any definitive road maps to creating content. Every individual, every website, every blog has its own way of engaging online.

However, there are content creation fundamentals and some well known roads that have been traveled by many that can help navigate the world of content creation.

Storytelling is a big part of how we communicate. Marketers and advertisers know how do this very well but how do you become a storyteller? How do you get your story told? Most successful artists like singers, rappers, actors and comedians are incredible storytellers. Its how we construct the story and convey the content is how we reach our audience.

To answer the question,"how much is your content worth"? That depends on what the perceived value is to the customer. Value or worth does not always equate to $$$ in your pocket. Content creation is in the realm of branding and brand identity which is more powerful than a few dollars in your pockets. Having identifiable content that has been crafted to the needs of your audience is worth its weight in gold.

Most people have a pretty good idea of what they want to say but how to say it and say it effectively is the problem most seem to have. Since EVERYONE has an online presence these days, its really about knowing what social media platforms work best and seeking like-minded individuals willing to share your content.

There are many types of people who work in this space [or profession] and finding the right person to share your vision is critical to your success. You may not hire this person but knowing the character types can help you make critical decisions when the time is right.

The Many Faces of Content Marketing