Friday, August 9, 2013

The [Animated] Story Of Electronics And Consumerism

Electronics. Do people even use this word anymore? The word electronics was synonymous with Japan because pretty much everything "electronic" came from "The Land Of The Rising Sun". In less than a decade the electronics landscape has changed dramatically.

What also has changed is how we consume electronics.

I recently purchased a new Smart TV [I'll withhold the brand] and given the features, I thought since I'm "smart", why not get a "Smart TV"?

Problem solved.

Reality is the features that I have, I don't use and the features I want, don't come with this television. So have electronics really gotten better or are you being marketed that the future has arrived and getting this product will change how you live?

Maybe I should have done my homework better but the reality is, its getting harder to find good electronics that live up to older electronic standards.

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