Monday, October 1, 2012

Be Courageous To Make Change In Your Life

Have you ever wanted to write a blog post and spent an usual amount of time just thinking of the right title for what you had in mind? Typically, this is not the case for me but I knew there was something else interfering with my ability to express my thoughts.

Ultimately, I had to come to terms with myself and dig deeper into this issue. The reason why I could not come up with a title was because of my lack of courage to confront my fear of obligation to my success.

I'm not talking about obligations of necessity like paying your bills. I'm referring to promises you made to yourself about change you wanted to make in your life. We all have them, we all make them but staying honest to yourself can be the toughest part. For a couple of years now, I've been wanting to take an evening course at my Alma mater and for one reason or another, I just never took the steps to make it happen.

 I knew this was important but I wasn't being courageous enough to confront my fear of commitment.

Being that the course starts once per year, I'd have to wait until October 2013 if I didn't apply. I didn't want to wait another full year. I submitted my application (I knew I'd be accepted based on my background), that wasn't the issue, my issue was in my long term commitment. It was all or nothing, I had to have the courage to make change or I'd spend another year wishing/wanting to move forward.

Success is not hard, committing to yourself to make change is hard. How courageous are you to make the changes in your life to ensure your future success?

Courage is a word often misunderstood. You don't have to climb mountains, sail the seven seas or put your life at risk to be courageous (even though it feels that way sometimes). In most cases, we think of courage when it involves other people close to us, people we care about, people we want to care about us. We want others to know we are courageous, willing to put are own lives on the lines to show our commitment but we rarely commit to ourselves.

I love the art of storytelling and the world of cinema, when you put the two together, something magical happens. Captains Courageous is one of those magical films of storytelling. In short, the story is about a young man who face his fears and learns the many facets of courage, most importantly his own.

"One isn't born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous or honest" ~Maya Angelou

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