Sunday, September 29, 2013

12 Tenets Of #ContentCreation [#Infographic]

Content creation is one of those areas that people hear a lot of in different contexts but know very little about. In today's modern world, everyone is a content creator. With the birth of YouTube and other video platforms, its becoming second nature to post compelling content [it's the new lottery].

Doesn't matter who you are or what you do, you have a customer out there. If you're on social media, you like to heard and if you're on YouTube, you want to be seen.

Never listen to those that say that have the answer for ALL your needs, as the Internet grows, the paradigm shifts. MySpace and Facebook, both were media darlings. One on the comeback, the other may be on its way out if they don't adjust to the market [and its changing fast].

[Infographic] 12 Tenets of Content Creation

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